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Writer's pictureJamie Martinez

My Love for Plant-Based Nutrition

Updated: Nov 4, 2019

Hey reader! I am so glad to have your eyes grace this blog page of mine.

If you don't already know me or of me, my name is Jamie. I am the chef and nutrition specialist behind all the shenanigans that go on with Cure Vegan. My personal journey to veganism starts 4 years ago within the confines of my own mind. I started toying with the idea of a plant-based diet shortly after my grandma passed away from a sudden stroke.

At the time I was a managing editor for my university's news outlet and I LOVED to research and learn. After hours of reading and watching, one Netflix recommendation had me hooked; a film titled Forks Over Knives. A powerful documentary that uses evidence based practice to further prove that a plant-based diet can affectively control and reverse almost all chronic disease.

After- and during, watching the film I started to feel strong emotions overcome me. Feeling like I had been lied to, like I had already done so much irreversible damage, and like I was powerless over the issues surrounding me regarding the westernized food industries.

Then I realized I was in fact the only person who had power over the issue that was my lifestyle and diet. Although I couldn't change the impact that factory farming was having on the environment, economy, the lives of billions of animals or the health of the human population- I could change the impact that the food was having on me and my life.

I knew if I could turn my life around enough to where I would be walking billboard for what the epitome of a healthy human should be... then maybe I could get other people to see the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, and maybe I could make a change in the way that factory farming is impacting this beautiful planet we've been so blessed to share.

Fast forward four years, and here we are. A bachelor's degree, many certificates, training programs and so many books later, I finally compiled all my knowledge into one cute URL.

When I began posting my knowledge and tips for friends on my personal social pages I quickly realized people were extremely interested. Friends, and people I had never met before would reach out to me and describe ailments, asking what a plant-based diet could do for them, or where they should even start. From all these inquiries... the Cure Vegan Nutrition Program was born.

What can you do to start living healthier?

One of my favorite questions to be asked is, "Where do I start?"

Because my answer is simple, and your reflection has to be deep, and not so simple.

What is motivating you? Are you looking to lose weight, reduce medication, set a new personal record, or feel better about the way you eat? Maybe you're in it for the animals, and you find motivation in liberation. Or maybe you just can't keep up with that weekly grocery and eating out bill.

Whatever your motivation- find it, and keep it close. This will be your driving factor to success.


You should surround and indulge yourself in as much credible and quality information as you can stand regarding your interests for a plant-based lifestyle.

After you've determined your motivation. Write it down. Stick it somewhere, and don't forget it. Now, the real fun begins. It's time to clean out your pantry and make yourself a plant-based meal plan. If you have no unruly idea where to start with creating a well-rounded meal plan, I can help! Learn more about my nutrition programs here.

Your meal plan should be nostalgic recipes that are foods similar to the ones you know and love, while also being much healthier and completely plant-based. Think of your favorite meal, pizza, hamburgers, or maybe its a McGriddle from McDonalds... it can all be veganized and still be delicious. When creating a meal plan think of recipes you'd like to enjoy, then when you search for a recipe simply add "vegan" on to the end of your search and see all the plant-based alternatives that pop up.

Make a grocery list- contact me if you have any questions about plant-based substitutions and alternatives. Then arm yourself with all your new, healthy plant-based foods.

The hard part is over and now the fun begins. When you have all your groceries you get to start experimenting- trying new recipes and ingredients you've never explored before.

Remember that old habits die hard, so those cravings will be calling your name for a few weeks before they turn into a distant memory. You'll need to remind yourself of your motivation and your small successes to stay on track at first, but this phase doesn't last long once your begin to achieve your larger health goals.

What's next?

Once you've got your eating habits {somewhat} under control its time to consider other ways you can live a healthier lifestyle. That's right- it doesn't stop there. This a continuous and ever-evolving journey towards our higher and healthier selves. Whether your next stop is adding in a fitness schedule, or cutting out toxic cleaning and hygiene products from your life. I am here to help every step of the way. I always have recommendations and answers to your plant-based living questions so please feel free and more than welcome to reach out.

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